More Than Someone's Daughter: She is Someone
Far too often the only way people express the importance of women is
through their connection to others. This can be seen through the many
instances of violence against women where people are reminded of their
importance with phrases like, “She is somebody’s daughter”. Watching this be a
true experience for so many important women in my life, I saw an importance in
calling out this type of commentary. The main focus of this collection of
photographs is to capture women for what they are more than, as opposed to the
stereotypical idea of seeing the relevance of a woman through their relationship to
other people.
This piece currently focuses on twenty women of a variety of backgrounds, where a
conversation was had over how they thought they are perceived, and an effort was
made to show who they are beyond that connection.
As this collection of photographs progressed, a second objective began to
form. The goal of showing all the things that women are more than also began an
exploration of all the things women are. Every single woman featured is beautiful
on the inside, and I found an importance in also capturing their outer beauty. This
collection not only helped women to look at themselves for more than their
relation to others, but to feel beautiful and to uplift other women through the sharing
of their photographs.
This piece, in book format, was the recipient of the First Edition Book Award (2023) at Toronto Metropolitan University
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